sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

What kids do on vacation?

Flashlight Game: Firefly

What you'll need

  • 3 or more players
  • A flashlight


Have the firefly alternate flashing the light with chirping. To find her, the other players will have to listen as well as watch.
How to play
1.  Once it's dark, give a chosen player (the firefly) a flashlight and have her head away from the group with the light off, silently counting to 60 as she goes.
2.  When the firefly reaches 60, she must flash the light once.
3.  The rest of the players then count to 100 before setting out in pursuit of the firefly, who tries to avoid capture by hiding and changing directions.
4.  But here's the catch: she must continuously count to 60, flashing the light each time she reaches the end of her count.
5.  The first person to tag the firefly takes her place for the next round.

Rainbow Tag

With a handful of painted sticks, a few good hiding spots, and four or more players, you can play this game of capture the flag meets hide-and-seek in your backyard, or throughout your entire neighborhood.

What you'll need
  • Four or more players
  • Five tongue depressors, each one marked with a color of the rainbow
  • Water-based face paint crayons in the same rainbow colors
  • A pink or rainbow-colored article of clothing
  • Wet wipes

How to play

1.    To prepare, hide each toungue depressor along with the matching color of face paint in a different place around the yard.
2.    Next, choose someone to be Pinkie, the player who sneaks around trying to tag the other players and undo their progress. Give Pinkie something pink or rainbow-colored to wear.
3.    To play, set everyone but Pinkie out in search of the sticks.
4.    Each time a player finds one of the colored sticks, he should discreetly -- don't give away the location to the others! -- paint a stripe on his face, then leave the stick and paint in place. Bluffing is encouraged to keep the locations secret.
5.    The catch: Pinkie will be lurking, trying to tag the players. Every time she does, she wipes off one of their stripes.
6.    The first player to get one stripe in each color wins.

Save the King
This friendlier version of dodgeball features softer, no-sting balls and a team strategy that gets players to work together.

What you'll need

  • Chalk
  • 2 foam balls or socks stuffed with other socks

How to play

1.    Setup: Draw the playing area by drawing four parallel lines across the driveway. Create 2 outer spaces 5 feet deep and, between them, a 10-foot-long section of no-man's land, a safe zone.
2.    Divide the players into 2 teams and give each a ball. The rules here are like those for regular dodgeball, but before play begins, each team designates 1 player as their king.
3.    At "Go," players begin throwing the balls at the opposing team. If a player is hit by a ball, he's out; if he catches one, the thrower is out.
4.    The ball is neutral, so it can be used as a shield to block throws. And here's the kicker: if a king gets hit, his entire team loses!
5.    Players can enter the designated No Man's Land area to get balls, but you can't throw -- or be hit -- in here.

Teacher Anna

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