quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2014

Caixa de texto: SHOULD

USE:  We use should every time we want to give an   
           advice or an opinion

FORMATION:  should/shouldn’t + simple verb

EXAMPLES:  + Your grades aren’t very good. You should study harder.     
                        - You shouldn’t talk so much during the classes.

Word order in English sentences

Word Order in Positive Sentences
For the beginning, remember this simple rule:

Subject                                   verb(s)                                            object
   I                                          speak                                                English
   I                                       can speak                                             English

 If you are a more advanced learner, remember the following rule:
Subject      verb          indirect object        direct object             place           time
I                will tell           you                    the story              at school     tomorrow.

The word order in negative sentences is the same as in affirmative sentences. Note, however, that in negative sentences we usually need an auxiliary verb:
Subject      verbs     indirect object         direct object      place             time

I              will not tell         you                the story         at school        tomorrow.

Teacher: Elena 

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