sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013

St Patrick's exercise!

Hello guys!

Está chegando o dia de St Patrick so let’s do a fun exercise!

Existem várias expressões com a palavra “green”, coloque as letras certas na primeira coluna para explicar as expressões.

_____  give someone the green light                   a. To wear green clothing on St. Patrick’s Day
_____  to have a green thumb                         b. to be inexperienced at something
_____  to be green with envy                                 c. to take care of the Earth and the 
_____  wearing of the green                                   d. give permission to go ahead with a 
_____  to be green around the gills                  e. to feel jealous
_____  green-eyed monster                            f. paper money
_____  to be green                                         g. the wall at Fenway Park, where the Red
                                                                    Sox play
_____ the grass is always greener on                  h. very jealous, full of envy
            the other side of the fence

_____  to go green                                                    i. a place that is different seems better 
                                                                     than where we are now
_____  greenbacks                                                   j. to have a talent for making things grow
_____  The Green Monster                                      k. to look very sick

Answer: 1)d - 2)j – 3)e – 4)a – 5)k – 6)h – 7)b – 8)i - 9)c – 10)f – 11)g

Teacher Monica

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