quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013


A contraction is a word made from a verb and another word. An apostrophe takes the place of any letters that are left out. A contraction can be made by joining a verb and the word not, a word and the verb is, and a pronoun and a verb. Here are some common contractions that students should know how to spell.
Verb + Not
aren't - are not
haven't - have not
can't - cannot
isn't - is not
couldn't - could not
mustn't - must not
didn't - did not
shouldn't - should not
doesn't - does not
wasn't - was not
don't - do not
weren't -were not
hadn't - had not
won't - will not
hasn't - has not
wouldn't - would not
Word + Is
here's - here is
what's - what is
that's - that is
where's - where is
there's - there is
who's - who is
Pronoun + Verb
he'd - he would, he had
they'll - they will
he'll - he will
they're - they are
he's - he is, he has
they've - they have
I'd - I would, I had
we'd - we would, we had
I'll - I will
we'll - we will
I'm - I am
we're - we are
I've - I have
we've - we have
it'll - it will
who'll - who will
it's - it is, it has
you'd - you would, you had
you'll - you will
she'll - she will
you're - you are
she's - she is, she has
you've - you have
they'd - they would, they had

Sometimes the contractions he'll, I'll, it's, there's, they're, we'd, we've, who's, and you're are confused with other words that sound the same. (heal/heel, aisle/isle, its, theirs, their/there, weed, weave, whose, your) Students must understand the different spellings and meanings of these words with the same sounds.
Teacher Gustavo

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