segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

What do you know about Halloween?

Hi guys!

One of the celebrations that we don’t have in Brazil is Halloween. I really think it is a pit, but most English 
Schools celebrate it, so you can get ready to go to a nice party wearing a scary costume. Here is a little
about Halloween and a recipe of a nice drink for you to feel like you are in The USA celebrating this day ;)
Halloween is perhaps the spookiest, and most fun, day of the year. It gives children the chance to live out their fantasy as their favorite character, while allowing adults to be like kids again if only for one night!
Celebrated on October 31, Halloween is also known as All Hallow's Eve. The holiday, which is thought of by some to be a Pagan holiday, originated from Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival.
The festival was originally celebrated in the winter. At that time, days were short, and food supplies were even shorter. The threat of cold and hunger loomed, and many people didn't want to leave their homes because they were afraid of the dark. They were also afraid of the spirits of the dead who were thought to return for just one night to haunt those who were still alive.
In order to leave their homes and blend in with the spirits, people would dress up in costumes so the spirits wouldn't recognize them. Food would also be left on doorsteps to further placate the spirits.
Today the tradition of dressing up still lives on. And, instead of leaving food for spirits, children go Trick or Treating in hopes of filling their bags with lots of goodies.

Teacher Andreza Ferro

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