The web/the net = the Internet (Short ways to say the Internet)
-You can find that on the web.
Sign up = to register (If you have ever gone to a web site
where you have to create an account for yourself, the first thing you have do to
is sign up)
Sign in = to enter your account (Once you sign up on a web site, when you enter
the web site you have to sign in)
Username = the name
(The name that you use to identify yourself on a web site)
Download = is to take information from the internet and put it on your computer.
Upload = you take something on your computer and put it on the internet.
-Upload video on Youtube.
Stream = if you have ever watched a movie “illegally” on the internet, you
have probably streamed the movie. So, stream a movie, it’s not to download
directly on your system.
Log out = when you enter your account and you finished using it, we log out.
Google it! = use “Google” as a verb in this case. For example: “I
want to know when Britney Spears released her first album? – Google it!”
Facebook me! = facebook as a verb. If I tell you to facebook me, this means message
me on facebook or send on facebook. (Depends how nerdy or geeky your friends
are. If you say facebook me, some people might think that’s weird, not cool)
E-mail me! = send or received an e-mail!
Prof Gustavo Passarin
very helpful