quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012

Gírias...vc sabe usar??

Assim como nós usamos gírias como “da hora, morrer de fome, ele é um cdf” também podemos encontrar isso no inglês! Então ai estão algumas das gírias que podemos encontrar!

ACE- Karina is a ACE reporter-( Excelente)

ALL WET- Your ideas about her are ALL WET- (totalmente equivocada)

AN ALL-NIGHTER- Rob almost fell asleep during the test after AN ALL-NIGHTER-( Uma noite inteira de estudos)

AWESOME- What an AWESOME view- (Maravilhoso, incrível)

SO BAD- I miss you SO BAD-(Intensamente)

BEAT- After working all day I’m completely BEAT-(Derrotado, exausto)

BENT- He really gets so BENT- (Bravo)

BLOW A FUSE- She BLEW A FUSE with her boyfriend. (Perder a paciência)

BONKERS- Sometimes I believe I’m going BONKERS (Ficar doido)

BRING-DOWN- The news of her dad disease was a BRING-DOWN. (Muito triste)

CATCH SOME RAYS- I love relaxing on the beach and catching some rays! ( Tomar um pouco de sol)

CATCH SOME Z’s- The last day of the trip was so busy, I just need to CATCH THE Z’s right now . (Dormir um pouco)

COUGH POTATO- OMG, you are really a COUCH POTATO (Uma pessoa muito preguiçosa)

CRAM- You have to CRAM if you want to pass your exams. (Estudar pesado)

CUSHY- Peter has a really CUSHY job (Fácil)

DAMAGE- Can I have the bill to find out the DAMAGE, please? (o “prejuízo”)

FOX- Everyone thinks Gisele Bundchen is a FOX (Alguém muito atraente)

GET IT- I listened what they say, but I still don’t GET it (Entender)

GLITZY- She is a pretty GLITZY girl. (Elegante)

GO BANANAS- If I don’t have a day off soon, I’ll GO BANANAS. (Ficar louco)

GUTS- It took him a lot of GUTS to end his long-term relationship. (Coragem)

HIP-SHOOTER- His friends are such a HIP-SHOOTERS (Falam sem pensar)

HISTORY- Why are you asking me about Melinda? She’s HISTORY. (Passado)

HYPER- Paul got HYPER about going to Australia. (Muito animado)

KNOCKOUT- Who was that KNOCKOUT I saw in your party yesterday? (Uma pessoa deslumbrante)

LAID-BACK- They are really LAID-BACK guys.(Calmos e tranquilos)

MELTDOWN- There is a MELTDOWN in our friendship. ( Total ruína)

MUSH- What you say is total MUSH. (Absurdo, sem sentido)

NUTS- You are completely NUTS if you think I’ll go out with you (Doido)

PAD- Have you found a PAD yet (Um lugar para morar)

PAIN IN THE NECK- His colleague is a PAIN IN THE NECK (Muito chato)

PIECE OF CAKE- Acting for her is a PIECE OF CAKE (Muito fácil)

RED HOT- Your new idea is really RED HOT (importante)

REAL RIOT- This movie was a REAL RIOT (Muito engraçado)

HIT THE SACK- What time did you HIT THE SACK yesterday? (Ir para cama dormir)

SHOT- Give it another SHOT (Uma chance, tentativa)

SQUARE- My brother looks SQUARE in his glasses. (Fora de moda, antiquado)

VEG OUT- I want to VEG OUT at home this Sunday. (Relaxar e fazer nada)

ZIP- She knows ZIP about cooking. (Nada)

Anna Sophia Santon

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