terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Como se diz "atender" nas suas diversas formas...

Aqui estão as combinações mais comuns para quando desejamos utilizar e dizer o verbo ’’atender’’ em inglês:
1.    answer the phone, the door, the bell (e ‘get the door’ também é muito comum)
2.    serve, attend to*, assist a customer
3.    see a patient
4.    match, meet, fulfill, live up to expectations
5.    address, satisfy, meet, respond to a need 
6.    agree to, comply with, grant, respond to a request
7.    answer, hear a prayer

Não confudir com attend, cujos usos mais comuns são para significar “frequentar, comparecer”:attend school, attend a meeting, attend church etc…

Vamos praticar com alguns exemplos
São exemplos reais das situações para que possam estudar.(caso ainda tenham duvidas por favor perguntar ao professor na sala de aula (Carlos,Aline,Ellen,Bruna,Heloisa...) Expert school
1. Aamir was attacked when he answered the door of his home in Roath…
2. Mr Kumarasiri said he could not
 serve people if he did not understand them
3. California is poised to become the first state to set time limits for doctors to
 see patients, the Department of Managed Health Care said.
4. When I started teaching (…) my challenge was to overcome students’ tendencies to strive merely to
 meet the expectations of their teachers.
5. Power your business with a phone system designed to
 meet the needs of today’s mobile professionals.
6. Thanks to all those who
 responded to my request for assistance on Twitter.
7. He prayed to God for help and believed that God
 answered his prayers.
8. Food worker training may also include learning how to
 attend to customers in the dining area.
Coloque essas combinações em prática e… well done! Agora você já sabe como diz o termo “atender” em diversos contextos! 

That’s all,
See you next English Class…

Carlos Silva

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