segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012


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COMPARATIVES: as… as, -er than, the same as, the same… as, different from

a) as… as, -er than

Look at these sentences:

Alan is taller than Bob, but he isn't as tall as David.

David is older than Clive.

Clive's shoes are as big as Bob's.

taller than, shorter than, as tall as;

older than, younger than, as old as;

bigger than, smaller than, as big as.

b) the same… as, different from

Look at these sentences:

This is the same as mine.

Your coat is the same colour as my gloves.

Their view is different from mine.

When we use the same to make comparisons, we also use as.


Look at these sentences:

Mount Everest is higher than Mont Blanc.

Gold is more expensive than silver.

We make the comparative of short adjectives with -er ,

e.g. smaller than, higher than, hotter than


Look at these sentences and notice the difference in use between taller than and the tallest:

Roger is taller than all the other boys; he is the tallest.

Roger is the tallest; he is taller than all the others.

Notice that we say the tallest but just taller .


Look at these sentences and notice the difference ion use between more expensive than and the most expensive:

This car is more expensive than all the other cars; it is the most expensive.

This is the most expensive car; it is more expensive than all the other cars.

Notice that we say the most expensive but just more expensive.

Pode até paracer confusa a questão de adjetivos curtos ou longos, mas vale lembrar que a pronúncia é que faz a diferença.

Ah, checar o dicionário e ver a separação de sílabas também é uma boa dica.

See you soon.

Evandro Ferreira

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